Sat Nam Everybody, and welcome in!

We have had a very good year at KYD!
The world on the third floor is happy, healthy and holy. We dance, we play, we roll, we sing, we drink tea, we eat mangos and cashews, we all are One.
The world outside is on fire, we are a collective of madness and shamelessness, and our egoic natures are evolving so slowly as to be characterized as "glacial" right now, at least from the perspective of a 100-year-life span species. Yea, we get that.
So, what do I mean by "very good?" Let's make bullet points; I do love a good bullet pointed list.
All of the people who visited our space arrived on time, in various shapes, and all left feeling at least a little bit better! Most left feeling amazing, transformed, and grateful. For this first and foremost we are over the moon, as this fullfills our Mission Statement!
No one got hurt or suffered physical injury
We had students as young as 7-years old and as old as 87-years old. Wahe Guru!
We had more than two dozen returning students, who kept up for five or more sessions over the year, and that's amazing!
We had many brand new, one-time only students as well--thank you!
Although our classes have been small, they have been mighty! There's no hiding in the back at KYD; you show up for yourself and chuck all the rest.
It didn't get so hot upstairs that we couldn't practice; it stayed below 75 degrees without much effort this summer. Kundalini yoga is not hot yoga.
No plumbing, electrical, structural or electronic component failures in the space in 2024.
We held a couple of workshops which were very successful! Thanks to Candice Wu and all who supported each other for Constellation Circle Groups! We have all been transformed in so many ways!
I had the pleasure of doing a lot of private classes this year; more than ever before! Thanks to all of you who took the radical step of self-care and self-love and booked a curated yogic experience. As we heal ourselves, we heal our world.
There are at least 10 reasons to declare the year has been good to us! I could think of more...but you guys know who you are and what happened here this year.
Most businesses, when they say it's been a very good year, they mean they made a lot of money! We did not make much money! It's okay, we took vacations in the trailer a bit and were closed for longer than usual. We didn't open this business to make a lot of dough, so we are not disappointed. But, that being said, we feel we need to bump up the prices of our offerings a bit. To balance it out, we are offering two classes of Naad yoga (no asana, just chanting/sound therapy) by any donation.
Yoga has gone up from $20 to $25.
Soul Massage (gong immersion) has gone back up to its orginal price of $40 for an hour plus. Still the best price in the area.
As you know, we are a very tiny business, it's just Mike and Andrea, so if you need us, and can't afford us, stand up for yourself and LET US KNOW. No one has ever been refused for lack of funds. Don't worry, we got you.
In other news, our hours have changed! They are posted on the first page of the website, and you can see what you can book for upcoming classes on the FIT app by Wix, which you can download from your app store. You can book and pay online, if you wish, or pay in person when you get here or as you leave. We take the apps, and cash.

So! New Hours!
Monday--reserved for private appointments
Tuesday-11 am Kundalini Yoga
Wednesday--4 pm Kundalini Yoga
Thursday--7 pm Soul Massage
Friday--12 noon Soul Massage
Friday--6:30 Naad Yoga
Saturday 11 am Kundalini Yoga
Sunday 6:30 pm Naad Yoga
Sunday 7 pm Soul Massage
What's a Soul Massage? That's a gong immersion/sound therapy/healing meditation/gong bath
What's Naad Yoga? It’s the YOGA of SOUND.

I'll do a blog on this, but for now, it's a class for chanting meditation, sound therapy, singing and fellowship. It's a half-hour to an hour or so, and it's by any donation. On Sunday it's followed directly by a Soul Massage at 7 pm.
I'm not trained as a website developer; all mistakes on the website and app are my own and I apologize in advance if I mess any of it up. I hope you have a flawless experience! If you don't, please be a dear and LET ME KNOW. If I know about it I can fix it!
Last and not least, Mike and I want to thank you all again and again for aiding us in letting this little business thrive in all the right ways! Every single one of you who has passed through our doors has made a contribution to LIFE, to LOVE, and to the healing of the world.
KEEP UP, or be kept up, either way, we will be here to support you in all your journeys. We don't know anything either, and we love sharing all we know and don't know with all of you!
Sat nam,
Happy Holidays and let's Breathe through 2025 together.
It'll all be okay you guys. I promise.

Happy New Year to all of you, and thanks for watching,
Love, and warm wishes,