JAN 2020 - Guest Blog by Julia Muskevich

Nowadays, staying grounded seems more challenging when everything around us is moving a mile a minute. Negative sound surrounds us--news, social media, everyday life--which is why it’s necessary to find balance when the rest of the world is unstable.
Here are some essential tools to help you stay grounded and empower you to tackle anything that comes your way this new year.
1. Keep a personal journal
Journaling calls for a state of utter mindfulness--past regrets and future predicaments become less pertinent when you focus on the present moment. Take at least five minutes out of your day to record your thoughts, goals, and dreams. It’ll give you time to tune out the rest of the world for just a moment to breathe and reflect.
You’ll be amazed at what a little reflection can do for your mood, perspective, and overall mental health. In fact, studies show that any sort of journaling provides an emotional release, lowering anxiety and stress. Writing can be a powerful tool to stimulate awareness and personal growth.
If time allows it, think about what you’re grateful for and add it to your journal. It can be a matter of basic essentials such as housing or food, or how a stranger paid for your coffee. Practicing gratitude will gradually change your brain chemistry and allow you to move forward, making you feel centered and grounded.

2. Take control of your emotions
As human beings, we are greatly influenced by our emotions and those of others. Whether you’ve gotten in a fender-bender or received an upsetting message, losing control of your emotions can happen in an instant.
You can’t always control what happens to you, but it’s important to regulate your emotions and how you choose to react. Here are a few tips to help maintain your composure:
Avoid situations that’ll trigger you to prevent unwanted emotions and impulsive reactions from occuring. If someone repeatedly upsets you, avoid them or keep interactions at a minimum.
Modify your expectations to lessen feelings of disappointment if things don’t go as planned. Avoid setting unreasonable hopes and try to be flexible when faced with a new, unforeseen situation.
Shift your energy onto things you can do something about rather than what’s out of your hands. Rather than believing you’re inferior, turn your attention to what you’re doing and recognize your own unique abilities.
Change your response if you can’t avoid, modify, or shift these determinants. Step back and take deep breaths when you’re feeling triggered in any way. This’ll help you respond rationally rather than impulsively.

3. Give others the benefit of the doubt
It’s easy to misinterpret people’s actions, assuming it’s targeted towards you. Have you ever jumped to conclusions after not receiving a call or text back? Feeling lonely or isolated can provoke us to act out against others, and even ourselves. But in most cases, it’s far from what you’ve imagined.
We’re heavily influenced by those around us, but it’s important to stay grounded. Remember to give others the benefit of the doubt before assuming the worst. There are always factors that you don’t know about. Try stepping out of your own frame of mind and personal struggles to get a grasp of what others may be going through.
At the end of the day, we’re all in this together. Reach out, connect to others, and nurture your relationships. Surrounding yourself by an uplifting community is key to feeling supported and ultimately, grounding each other.

4. Listen to your body and devote time for yourself
Your body is a temple, literally. Life is full of responsibilities and opportunities, making it easy to overwork yourself. But it’s crucial to listen to your body to keep yourself healthy, both mentally and physically, as many health providers like Dr. Amanda Sheehan would concur.
Focus on understanding your body and nurturing it with healthy practices, such as:
Exercise daily to connect with your mind and body
Eat a healthier, balanced diet to nourish and fuel your body
Learn the power of “no” to prevent yourself from overloading oneself
Get enough rest and sleep-- two different things!
Be selective-- participate only in activities which nourish you and give you energy
The best way to stay grounded is to learn to put yourself and your well-being first. Prioritize time alone to reset, reassess, and rethink. Before you start your day, sit or lay in meditation and set a quick intention for the day. This allows you to refocus your energy on things that are most important, making your goals and objectives a priority.