Sat nam, and Welcome in!
Last month, we held a Constellations Workshop, which was very successful. All of us were deeply affected by the process. Many of us have experienced significant life changes in the weeks since, all of them positive and stress-reducing. I can safely say, as a mental health professional, this form of help is unique, quick, and effective.
To accommodate more people who want to transform some aspect of their lives, without expensive, time-intensive therapy, without having to divulge all aspects of the situation of concern, and in a safe, comfortable space within community, we offer the next session on December 7, 2024.

Please contact Candice Wu to register.
This weeks kriya, (November 11-17) Energizing the Self, has us using tapping and striking various meridians on the arms and legs to activate the heart and lungs, and the large intestine, stomach, spleen and the gall bladder. We also energize the entire spinal column, and do some deep squats. Chanting to open the throat chakra is featured here as well. 10 exercises, followed by 20 minutes of savasana with gong.
Next week, (November 18-24) our kriya is Cleanse the Body and Disease Prevention. This set is important work for everyone, but especially for women. It has lots of shoulder work, which women often do not do much of unless they are at the gym. There are good hip and leg movements, too. It wards off headaches, abdominal aches, backaches and sadness that can hit us with hormonal shifts during the winter months. It gives the mind calmness, neutrality and balance. It aids digestion and builds the body's recuperative powers. It strengthens the shoulders, helping to remove toxins there, strengthens the electromagnetic field (aura), works on the lower back and sciatic nerve. It strengthens the hips, heart and abdomen. It even has a pose to correct problems in the colon and liver areas! A regular practice like this one will aid in the certainty of a long, happy, healthy life, and is a cold and flu season must! 12 exercises and savasana with gong.
The following week, (November 25- December 1) we will practice the Neutral Mind Kriya for Guidance. This set helps you to recognize the mind's tyranny over us. Relentless negativity, called rumination, or unchecked positivity, can be challenging during times of stress. Break this cycle by strengthening your ability to utilize your NEUTRAL mind, for the best way to know how to live your live, make decisions that are in right relationship with your higher self and the wholeness which gives rise to your free will. This set is good for all ages and abilities.
December 2-8, we explore the kriya named Balancing the Vayus. In yoga, the vayus are 5 channels of prana, or life-force energy, that give power to various systems and activities. When prana has unfettered and harmonious access to all systems and is readily available to allow for all the activities you want to do, the body and mind are healthy and happy. This kriya, practiced regularly, helps to balance and enhance the body-mind functioning.

gong immersions

And of course, our Gong Immersions are very popular during the winter months. Want to learn to meditate? An easy way is to lie down for an hour-long gong immersion. You will have something non-verbal to listen to, and since it's not music that you can easily fall asleep to, (although you might, that's okay) you can watch how your mind operates and become used to being The Observer of your mind. You will learn to meditate effortlessly. Also, your body will reap many benefits from the deep vibrations of the gong. Unlike silent or guided meditation at home, this is meditation with demonstrable health benefits. It helps with bone, tissue and joint inflammation, fibromyalgia, insomnia, digestive issues, nervous system imbalances and loneliness. Yes, loneliness. Just being in a community with people who care about you and who have nothing to sell you is regenerative. Other than paying Mike for his time, there's nothing for you to do but lie down and simply Be.
30 minutes of fellowship with complimentary water, an assortment of teas, and a snack are always offered. We believe human connection IRL is integral for our mental health.
Mike and I really love to do this work, leading yoga classes and playing the gongs for you. We hope you'll find the time to come visit our home and enjoy a couple of hours paying attention to your body and mind, and the awareness of your experience. We strive to make each session as lovely as we can.
how to sign up and pay
Download the FIT app by Wix, using code FLX4GC to find Kundalini Yoga in Detroit. Book classes there easily. Please include your mobile number so I can text you confirmation.
Don't want to do that? Text your name, email address and request for class to Andrea directly at 313.516.6115.
Please consider paying with cash, or an application like Venmo, Cash app, Zelle transfer, Apple Pay, or Google Pay when you arrive to avoid having to obtain a refund should you have to cancel.
For those with a cell phone, we have a text message back and forth that we use to acknowledge that class is still on, and that you are not ill or otherwise unavaiilable for a class you've signed up for. No cell phone? Email will suffice.
Yoga is $20 for 90 mins, gong immersions are $25 for 60 mins. We hope this is affordable for everyone. If you are in hardship and want to experience what we have to offer, please let us know and we will work with you. Each class allows for 30 minutes of fellowship.
Thanks for watching, we deeply appreciate all of you so much.
Happy Thanksgiving Nov. 28
Happy American Indian Heritage Day Nov. 29
Rosa Parks Day December 1

Stay safe, sane and sober,
See you in December,
Sat nam,
Andrea and Mike